• According to the SPIVA® report from S&P Global, active fund managers fail to beat their appropriate passive index most of the time. Healthy Wealth believes that a better approach is to seek market index returns while suppressing investing costs and potentially taxes. Time in the market beats timing the market. Build an investing plan that meets your life plan and stick with it.

  • If it could ruin you, you should probably insure against it… efficiently. Insurance is rarely the most appropriate investment tool.

  • Everyone has a plan, not everyone knows their plan. Healthy Wealth will facilitate being intentional with your spending, making you efficient where you can be, so you have the freedom to do what you want with the rest.

  • There is good debt and bad debt. We’ll help you determine which debt needs to be tackled, and which debt fits best by remaining in your plan.

  • We want you to pay the taxes you owe, but we don’t want to tip the IRS. Tax planning is integral in all financial recommendations.

  • No one knows their expiration date. Everyone hates probate. Ensure the functionality of your estate plan matches your intent for your loved ones through estate planning.

  • The freedom to live the lifestyle you want, without the pressure of needing employment.